Saturday 18 April 2009

Our Brunch Today : Asam Pedas Ayam..& Sotong ..

Today, we have had brunch instead of breakfast.. Why?. because I managed to finish my cooking early today.. 'Asam Pedas Ayam and Sotong ,Beans Masak Kunyit.' was already heavy meal right..? That's why .. it was Brunch..

Actually, the secret behind my fast cooking was using 'sambal tumis' which only left about 1 cup to make 'Asam Pedas Ayam'. ( enough to make sambal paste for asam pedas)

For the original recipe you can refer to Myresepi or Myresepi.

Mine?.. just the simple way...
  • with the ready made 'sambal tumis', ..just heating it .
  • add about 1 tsp fenugreek and 1 tbsp ground coarse black pepper ( depends on you).
  • then, put the chicken, ( cutting into small pieces)
  • mix them to combine.
  • put some tamarind paste and water..(depends on you, the quantity)
  • put the 4-5 onions ( cut into wedges), 5-6 tomatoes ( cut into wedges), 3-4 stalks lemongrass ( trimmed and bruised)
  • ..and let them boiled again..
  • taste them,
  • next, add a bit of salt, and sugar..( depending on how sweet the flavour you prefer).
  • stir ..and put 'daun kesum' , 'mint leaves'..,.( depends on you).
  • ... let them boiled again... and remove from heat...
  • it's ready to eat.

For other dish... since there were 1 packet prepared squids and 1 packet the, I decided to make 'Masak Kunyit'.. it has been a very...very long time since I cooked this dish.

Another simple dish too.
Recipe?... I'll try to post it later... since it's already late now..insya Allah.

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