Monday 18 May 2009

My Little One : Fall Asleep While 'Studying'

.. photos taken last night...

Actually, about 10 to 15 minutes before that, my husband and I heard our Little One... shouted and cried. She wanted something from her brother ( her brother said she wanted his pen and paper )...

At that moment, can you imagine the one is shouting and crying... whereas the others busy talking to each other...... Well.. that is part of our life with three young children.

Consequently, we asked her brother to give the things that his sister wanted so much.. At that time, I think the youngest one felt neglected by her siblings...whose playing 'master mind' together, yet she can't join them ..That's the reason she get upset very easily..

All at once , we didn't hear anything from her .She probably got whatever she wanted. Thanks to her brother and sister.

After a while ..we stepped into their play room..Oh!.. my sweet Little One..she's already asleep. Her hands still holding tight to the pen ..and sometimes its moving slowly ..writing something on the paper.....


Joyah Sempoi said...

finally...dpt jugak drop komen..:)..

ala..ciannyerrr die..baguslah anak akak nulis kat kertas..anak2 saya habih satu rumah nak dicontengnyerr..yg terbaru ni, sofa owner yg suci lagi menyucikan...jenuh nak bersihkan...nak buat camne, namapun anak2...marah pun takat tu jerrr...:)

lieza said...

... itu yang kat kertas... kat dinding pun sebenarnya ada.. bukan takat dinding, cadar...muka anak patung.. seluar dan baju yang dia pakai...dan dengan diri dia sendiri pun habis dicontengnya....

itu la.. dah namanya anak-anak...tak ke mana la..marahnya. (kadang-kadang ..funny pulak..).