I asked my childrens what they want to have as a dinner tonight. My daughters.. said anything with chicken. Then, my son asked ,' Mom, can we have Mee Kari tonight?'.Looking at his immaculate face, I asked him back, ' why Mee Kari?.. He replied, 'I just feel I want to eat Mee Kari'..
Since, there is no noodles at home.. only spaghetti.. so instead of Mee Kari.. it has changed to Curried Spaghetti ...and in my own version.
For the original recipe, please refer to Myresepi.com.
My version, there were no coconut milk, cockles, fish cake, fish ball and sliced tamarind.
But I added 2 stalk lemon grass( bruised), tomatoes..and season with coarse black pepper.
Anyway,.. the taste still great..and my kids liked it so much.
cam sedap je....balik buat la kat umah hehehe..twinz
memang sedap pun... budak-budak nie suka.. especially, the boy. bila kuah tinggal semangkuk kecil.. buat spaghetti goreng pulak...tapi tambah la..kicap cair,kicap pekat, sos tiram...itu pun ..sedap gak...
dah ada resepi kat atas tu... cuba la..buat sendiri dulu... hehe
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