Friday 17 July 2009

My Little One : Nursery School Trip 13 July 09

Hi, enjoy all these photos.. captured at Amelia Trust Farm on 13 July 2009..during my Little One nursery trip..

She really had a wonderful time on that day..especially whilst playing with her closest friend, Esha. Still remember on that memorable day..both of them.. keep saying to each other..

'''re my best friend..'',
'' we're going to be friend forever...''

Hmm.. they are small..and very young. Do they really understand the meaning of friendship?.. I don't have the answer for this.. however, me and Esha's mom.. agreed that both of them enjoying each other company very much..

They talked a lot of anything they have seen..sometimes change their opinions about something... and all that I can say that their nursery trip on that day filled with fun, smiles..and laughter ...

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