Today, 3 September 2009, my son open another new chapter in his life.. He starts his high school..or year 7.
A few days before, we've been preparing all his needs .. such as a new school uniform, new black shoes.. and everything new.. hehe of course, we would have to obey the school's regulations.. no matter what.. even it will most probably be attending his new school for a few months only.
How about him ? I'm guessing he gets excited too..he asks us a lot of question about secondary school.. our own experience.. and the syllabus as well.. hmm.. good start.
This morning, the whole family..sent him to the new school.. then, we left him at the school hall with all his new teachers and friends..Bye dear.. all the best to you.
..Hope that he can settling very well into the new school .. and gain as much knowledge as he can before going back to Malaysia ..and back to primary school again for .. Year 6 and UPSR 2010.
..awarded by the school with Governors' Award for Hard Work.
We absolutely proud ..thus, a huge congrats to both of you.
It may mean nothing to some people.. but he really happy and proud of it.
..all the best to our son..
and the other two as well..
We will never stop praying for the three of you..
To my self and my beloved husband..
''Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work.
Hard work is the price we must pay for success.
I think you can accomplish anything if you're
willing to pay the price.''
- Vince Lombardi-
salam kak lieza...
(sy panggil kakak la yer, macam sy ni junior jer... :)
bestkan melihat perkembangan anak2... seronok melihat mereka membesar depan mata....
sedar tak sedar, mereka semakin besar, kita plak semakin tua... :) pun, kalau anak berjaya dalam acara apa2,wpun skit jer, bangganya haiiiii...bagai apa!!!
samalah kita kak... :)
it's okay..TC, akak tak kisah..
..ya la..semakin mereka membesar..kita pun ..sedar2 dah tua.. : ), cuma itu la.. tak terasa pun masa berlalu.
samalah kita TC.. apa sahaja pencapaian anak-anak tak kira la.. walau sekecil mana.. tapi terasa bangga saja dengan mereka..bukan apa.. nak beri motivasi sama kat anak-anak tu..., think positive la..kan : )
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